A New Way to Build

The HP+ Wall System is designed to deliver a smart, innovative way to build affordable, high-performance homes and buildings.

Build Stronger:  Create a stronger wall assembly and use less wood than traditional construction.

Build Smarter:  Construct a wall assembly that incorporates continuous insulation and an air/vapor barrier system without the need for a conventional vapor or weather resistive barriers.

Build Sustainable:  Minimize energy loss with reduced air leakage and high R-value.

The 1-2-3 Power Combo

The HP+ Wall System combines three superior construction components:


WALLTITE is a closed-cell, spray-applied polyurethane foam that provides superior insulation, strength and energy efficiency.


Neopor is a graphite-enhanced and rigid thermal foam insulation that helps mitigate the risk of moisture inside of wall cavities.

Weather Resistive Barrier

Creates a seamless barrier of exterior protection to above grade wall substrates.

This powerful combination delivers exceptional control of heat, air & moisture and increases structural integrity.

Low Score, High Value

The superior durability and performance of the HP+ Wall System can help builders meet new and challenging code requirements and improve Home Energy Rating System (HERS) index scores. The air sealing and thermal benefits of this system can also help meet the 45L Federal tax credit criteria.

Building more energy efficient and durable homes with a strong resale value is just another reason clients gravitate to builders' like Tim O'Brien Homes. Homes like these can more easily comply with ENERGY STAR® v3.2 and/or DOE Zero Energy Ready Homes (ZERH) program requirements.  Many of the components of this high-performance system are also ENERGY STAR certified insulation materials.  Structural design values for the HP+ Wall System are found in the Technical Evaluation Report (TER).

BASF HP+ Wall TER 1403-01

Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Index Scores

ENERGY STAR v3.2 Program -  45L Federal Tax Credit Info

DOE Zero Energy Ready Homes (ZERH) Program -45L Tax Credit Info

ENERGY STAR Certified Insulation

“We have to look at everything as a system.”

Craig North

Director of Construction, Tim O’Brien Homes


BASF HP+ Wall Tim O'Brien Homes Case Study

Thumbnail of document BASF HP+ Wall Case Study
“It's more than just the products and the walls—it goes together in harmony.”

BASF Corporation

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